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Jion technique 2

Unveiling Kata Jion’s Origins

As I delve into the history and origins of Kata Jion 慈恩, it becomes evident that there is limited available information about this particular Kata. The belief is that the ...

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Mēkata, Okinawan Dance

In the world of martial arts, the origins and evolution of various techniques often hold a certain mystique. One such intrigue revolves around the connection between Okinawan dance, known as…

Releasing Date: 01-Aug-2024

Practical Kata Applications

Practical Kata Applications

Explore the rich realm of Okinawan kata with these captivating books. They offer comprehensive insights into the execution of the individual techniques within the kata and suggestions for their practical application for self-defense (bunkai), along with a collection of thought-provoking articles. These books provide an essential journey for martial arts enthusiasts into the world of Okinawan kata.


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My interpretation: Shuto-uke

This article is about an alternative approach to the basic block Shuto-uke. The well-known basic use of Shuto-uke. My interpretation: Shuto-uke Shuto-uke can be used just like Uchi-uke or Gedan-barai, ...

Funakoshi Niju kun

Gichin Funakoshi wrote the Nijū kun principles, which he likely developed through his personal experiences and contemplation of karate's practice and philosophy. The principles serve as guidelines for practitioners to ...


Tsumasaki-geri is a kick with the tip of the toes. Some would argue that this is the right way to kick (the old way of Okinawan kicking), compared to our ...

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