My interpretation: Uchi-uke

This article is about an alternative approach to the basic block Uchi-uke.

The well-known basic use of Uchi-uke.

Everybody knows that one.


My interpretation: Uchi-uke

Uchi-uke can be used as an attack against the head (reverse hammer-fist), elbow joints, and other parts of the body.

    • The first two pictures; Instead of blocking Oi-zuki as you usually would do (see picture above), then try to split Uchi-uke into two parts.
      I use the first part of Uchi-uke to block/control. At the same time, I poke the eyes with the fingertips of my right hand.
      Now perform the second step of Uchi-uke. Right-hand controls the opponent’s arm, while I attack with a left reverse Tettsui-uchi or Ura-zuki.
    • Picture 3 shows an attack against the elbow.

Uchi-uke compilation

I would like to hear your comments on the interpretation of Uchi-uke.

Thanks for reading.

Read more in my book Dynamic Karate Kumite, Part 2

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